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Sedona, AZ Crime Rate 2024 – Latest Statistics

Crime rates are often used as a barometer for the safety and well-being of a community. While these statistics are important and provide valuable insights into trends and areas of concern, they only tell part of the story. Behind each statistic is an individual, a…

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Arizona Car Accident Statistics 2024 – Motor Vehicle Crash Facts

In 2022 alone, Arizona saw around 120,000 vehicle crashes. The vast majority of those collisions occurred in urban areas, where speed and traffic density play a role in contributing to car accidents. For many people, driving is an integral part of life, and Arizona residents…

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2024 How Much Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Cost in Arizona?

If you were arrested and charged with a crime in Arizona, the future may seem uncertain. Even first-time offenders could face potential jail time and fines. Working with a criminal defense attorney offers crucial benefits. A lawyer can work to get your side of the…

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Arizona DUI Laws and Penalties Explained

If you unknowingly broke a traffic rule and were charged with a DUI, or if you were mistakenly determined to be driving while intoxicated, talk to a criminal defense lawyer who is knowledgeable in this area of the law. It is also helpful to review…

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Revocable Trust vs. Will in Arizona: What’s the Difference?

Both revocable trusts and wills are important aspects of estate planning in Arizona. These documents allow you to name the people you want to receive your assets after you pass away. Without estate planning documents like trusts and wills, you will be unable to determine…

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What is Bond in Arizona?

Hi, my name is Steve Glazer with The Glazer Law Office, and we’re going to talk about a concept called bond. In every criminal case, a judge has to set release conditions and it can be done in a variety of ways. They can release…

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Role of Insurance Companies in Arizona

What do insurance companies consider when assessing personal injury claims in Arizona? Car wrecks, dog bites, and slip and falls are accidents that often lead to injuries. The victims of such accidents can be forced to deal with medical bills, recovery time, and an overall…

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Pre-charge “Investigation” Stages in Arizona

WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT DURING THE PRE-CHARGE/ INVESTIGATION STAGES OF MY CASE? Before a case is charged and you are being investigated by law enforcement, it is best to consult with an attorney. While police are allowed to lie or use falsehoods to gain information…

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Set-Aside & Certificate of Second Chance in Arizona

In the state of Arizona, it is possible to petition the court to Set-Aside your conviction and receive a Certificate of Second Chance. But what does it mean to Set Aside a conviction and what exactly is a Certificate of Second Chance? GETTING YOUR CONVICTION…

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Two DUI Appeals Successfully Defended by The Glazer Law Office, PLLC

The Glazer Law Office recently prevailed in two more Appeals which were filed by the State in DUI cases, resulting in dismissals of all charges. In the first case, the client had submitted to a breath test which resulted in .149, nearly twice the .08…

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Glazer, Hammond & Smets, PLLC

Providing Experienced and Compassionate
Legal Counsel for Northern Arizona.

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Address 508 N. Humphreys St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

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