Sedona Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Sedona Criminal Defense Attorney

A Sedona criminal defense lawyer could be just the resource you need to help you resolve your case when you are accused of a crime. Punishments can be severe for both felony and misdemeanor crimes in Arizona, and they can have a life-changing impact on you and your family. It’s important that you speak with a lawyer as soon as possible if you’re facing criminal charges in Sedona. This way, you have a stronger chance of obtaining a positive outcome.

Criminal Defense Cases That Our Firm Handles

The legal team at Glazer, Hammond, & Smets, PLLC has ample experience defending clients in a myriad of criminal cases here in Arizona. A few of the many case types we can help with include:

  • Theft
  • Assault
  • Drug crimes
  • DUI
  • Fraud
  • Trespassing
  • Probation violations
  • Domestic violence
  • Disorderly conduct

If you have been accused of any of these crimes in Sedona, AZ, you should speak with one of our attorneys as soon as possible. We can evaluate your situation and work together to determine what legal steps are right for you.

How a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You

While representing you in court is their main duty, a criminal defense lawyer can assist you in a variety of ways. The following are just a few ways our skilled criminal defense team can help you in Sedona:

  • Investigate Your Case. This can include visiting the scene of the alleged crime, interviewing witnesses, reviewing police reports and other documentation, and collecting evidence. While the investigation against you will aim to compile evidence against you, a lawyer will compile evidence that can prove your innocence or look for holes in the prosecution’s case.
  • Analyze Officer Conduct. One important element an experienced lawyer can help with is analyzing the conduct of the officer who made the arrest. If your constitutional rights were violated, the case could be thrown out.
  • Develop a Defense. A lawyer can help you create a strong defense strategy against the allegations that were made against you. They can combine their experience and knowledge of criminal law to build a defense that represents your side of the story.
  • Negotiate on Your Behalf. Whether it is accepting a plea bargain or negotiating a reduced sentence, a lawyer can communicate with all other parties of the case on your behalf and fight for a positive outcome.
  • Represent You in Court. If your case proceeds to trial, a lawyer will be your voice in the courtroom. It is essential that you retain a criminal defense lawyer that you trust so they can speak for you and defend you in a contentious court setting.

When Should You Contact a Sedona Criminal Defense Lawyer?

You should contact a lawyer as soon as you discover that you may be accused of a crime or if you have been accused of a crime. Because Arizona implements strict punishments for those who are convicted of crimes, it’s imperative that you have a lawyer on your side who knows how to defend you against serious allegations. The sooner you hire a lawyer, the stronger your chances of obtaining an optimal outcome for your situation.

How Much Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Cost in Arizona?

A criminal defense attorney in Arizona can vary in costs depending on the circumstances of the case. The costs will largely depend on the attorney’s fee structure. Some attorneys charge by the hour, while others may charge a flat fee. There can also be an upfront payment known as a retainer. Each attorney will vary in their rates depending on their experience, reputation, location, and success rate.

Your Sedona Criminal Defense Team

If you have been accused of a crime, you deserve adequate legal representation that can step into your defense. It can be difficult to understand the Arizona state legal system. You may not be aware of your rights under Arizona law. A lawyer experienced in criminal justice can be an excellent resource to connect with. A lawyer can help review your situation, investigate your case, and develop a defense strategy to protect your rights.

At Glazer, Hammond, & Smets, PLLC, our legal team has over 20 years of combined experience representing clients all over Arizona. We have a vast understanding of the court system, and we can help you explore every legal avenue to get the result you deserve. We are a group that prides itself in helping the local communities we serve. Contact us today to speak with a member of our team.

Glazer, Hammond & Smets, PLLC

Providing Experienced and Compassionate
Legal Counsel for Northern Arizona.

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Our Location

Address 508 N. Humphreys St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

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